Columbarium Designers Columbarium Designers

Tribute Centers

Create a place of meaning

Providing a Tribute Center at your Association, Church, Military organization, or University gives people the opportunity to honor a loved one or lets them identify or remember a memorable life moment. Tribute Centers can include a columbarium but does not have to.

“The CDI Team provided answers, suggestions and leadership which was instrumental in making this a successful project.”

Client Testimonial

Custom Columbaria

Columbarium Designers, Inc. will evaluate your site; provide a unique, practical, aesthetically pleasing conceptual design that will transform any area, large or small, into an inspiring Tribute Center that reflects the traditions, warmth, and inviting spirit of your church, organization or university.

Exterior Designs

The columbarium can be designed to accommodate an existing exterior wall or can be designed as a free-standing structure in many different creative configurations. Columbarium Designers will design your columbarium to blend with your existing architectural elements of your facilities and will accent the natural aesthetics of the surrounding area. Providing a peaceful, spirit filled place for meditation, visitation and reflection.

Interior Designs

Tribute Centers can be located inside the facility, providing protection from the outside elements. This opens up other options of materials that can be used since it won’t have to weather a storm and will provide a beautiful memorial.

Pre-Assembled/Stock Columbaria

If you're looking for the most inexpensive and quickest method to jumpstart your columbarium project, then you might be interested in a stock or pre-assembled columbaria. There are many different options available for purchase in multiple styles and ranges of colors. Sizes range from just 6 niches all the way up to 132 niches, fitting any need and budget.

Memorial Gardens

A memorial garden provides a long-lasting tribute to loved ones and a place of spirit for reflection. Columbarium Designers will visit your facilities and help you select the best location. We will listen to your wants and needs and have our architects design your memorial garden. Columbarium Designers will provide you with a conceptual drawing so you can share it with your church community, university alumni or organization. We will work with you throughout the entire process.

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Memorial Garden Plaques for Your Columbarium Project

1. How many options are there?
2. How much does it cost?
3. Who does the work?
4. How can it be made easy?
5. How can we order and install the memorial?
6. What goes on the memorial?
7. How long does it take to get it delivered?
8. How can we make this simple?

4 Different Items to Include in Your Columbarium

We have been talking about different items to include in your columbarium. An ossuary was suggested. If you remember an ossuary is a large underground vault that has an opening above ground. Cremated remains are poured down a cylinder into an underground vault and co-mingled with other cremated remains. A tribute tower or memorial wall is nearby for memorial plaques with the names of the deceased and the birth date and death date are on the plaques. Then we talked about including a Labyrinth. A labyrinth has only one path leading to the center and back out again with no dead-ends. One of our readers suggested using the columbarium as the walls of the labyrinth.

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Military Tributes

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